2. Charlie And The Surfboard Factory 2:02
3. Be True To Your School 2:11
4. Easter Island Ufo 2:36
5. Oceanside Park 2:44
6. Dance, Darling, Dance 1:36
7. Hula Girl 3:43
8. Sick Vibrations 2:21
9. Surfer's Holiday 1:29
10. The Tiki Art Show 3:36
Andrea Carreda, front man for Italy's best Ramones inspired punk rock
band The Manges, has put together a classic summertime album of beach
inspired tunes for all the pogo pop fanatics the world over. For the
mission he enlisted the help of friends from all over the world from
bands including Supermarket and The Popsters from Italy, Surfin' Lungs
from Spain, and The Leftovers from the USA. Sure, this style of pop has
been around for years, but it's not often it is done this well. The ten
tracks on this debut album from The Veterans are as catchy as they come!
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